The Many Faces of Trauma

Reframing Trauma with Music from the Tao

(This same page with Disturbing Images of People in Trauma)


When a trauma occurs, whether of short or long duration, one or a number of components of the 16 Major Body Systems can crash.

1 - Circulatory
2 - Digestive
3 - Endocannabinoid
4 - Endocrine
5 - Immune
6 - Integumentary
7 - Lymphatic
8 - Muscular
9 - Nervous
10 - Peripheral Nervous
11 - Reproductive Organs
12 - Respiratory
13 - Sensory Organs
14 - Skeletal
15 - Urinary
16 - Vestibular


Also, the energetic systems, including the 7 Chakras, the 12 Ordinary Meridians & the 8 Extraordinary Meridians are not immune to Trauma.


The Chakra System


7 - Crown

6 - Third Eye

5 - Throat

4 - Heart

3 - Solar Plexus

2 - Sacral

1 - Root


The 12 Ordinary Meridians


1 - Heart - Small Intestine - 2

4 - Kidney - Urinary Bladder - 3

5 - Pericardium - Triple Heater - 6

 8 - Liver - Gall Bladder - 7

9 Lung - Large Intestine - 10

 12 - Spleen - Stomach - 11


The 8 Extraordinary Vessels


1 - Governing

2 - Conception

3 - Thrusting

4 - Belt

5 - Yang Heel

6 - Yin Heel

7 - Yang Linking

8 - Yin Linking


Singular or multiple trauma events can be addressed through Music that has been both scientifically and artistically created. Music Theory from the West has been successfully merged with the Science of the East (Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM for short) in the 64 Transitions.


The 64 Transitions are aligned with the 64 Themes of I Ching. I Ching is the world's first computer "invented" over 5 thousand years ago. In the 1600's, philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Liebniz, inspired by I Ching, discovered a new arithmetic that is still in use today. It is his binary code that is used in most of our computers and devices.


I Ching can provide insight into the trauma as well as a possible way out. It is the mind part of this Body - Mind approach to managing Trauma or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Instructions for operating the Transition Player can be found at:


Pay attention to the number of the Transition. That number is the key for accessing the I Ching Commentaries. For example "37 Belonging" could display on Player 2. The I Ching theme is 37. 


One of the most powerful commentaries I have found is the online book Pathfinder. "Here you'll simultaneously get results stemming from the I Ching, Tao of Power, and Art of War -- and in language updated for modern living." Using our example "37 Belonging" click on:


Hexagram 37 Identity


There you will find a narrative that has a high probability for giving greater insight. Sometimes other commentaries may seem more appropriate. Here is a list of other online accessible commentaries that can be consulted:


Cafe au Soul (37 = Family)

Christian I Ching (37 = Family)

I Ching: Mothering Change (37 = Dwelling People)

I Ching translated by Richard Wilhelm (37 = The Clan)



* Warning: This is not a substitute for medical treatment. We do not prescribe, diagnose or make allopathic medical claims. Do not use while driving a car or operating machinery.

Copyright © 2020 - 2022 Michael Legge
All Rights Reserved